First Congregational Church

“You are a visitor here once…
after that you’re family!”
Your church family misses you!
No matter how long we’ve been apart –
you are always welcome here!

Let’s get together for worship on Sundays at 10:00a.m.

click on our Facebook page,( )
as we will be streaming live every Sunday service too.

JOIN US! (No Facebook account required to view FCC page)

Women’s Bible Study 10:00.
CLYFF, the Central Lake Youth Center is open from 3-6pm
CLYFF, the Central Lake Youth Center is open from 3-6pm
Food Pantry is open
from 5-7pm.
Choir Practice 6:00pm
Men’s Bible discussion at 9:00am at church.
CLYFF, the Central Lake Youth Center is open from 3-6pm
Women’s Empowerment Group meets 1st and 3rd at 6:00pm
CLYFF, the Central Lake Youth Center is open from 3-6pm
All recovery meetings at the Ursula House at 7pm
Food Pantry is open
from 3-5pm
CLYFF, the Central Lake Youth Center is open from 3-6pm
Pastor Gary livestreams daily devotions everyday at noon on Facebook
10:00am service
Pastor Gary will be streaming the service live on Facebook at
W H A T   W E   D O 

Our Mission


Serve the Church

Our weekday and weekend gatherings take many people to make them work,
from ushers to greeters,
youth and adult group leaders,
care ministry workers and
everywhere in-between.

Serve the Community

We seek and are committed to building
relationships and have intentional and strategic partnerships where we can work alongside the work God is already doing in our community.

Serve the World

We believe God has called us to be a church that follows Him by turning our hearts and focus to global communities by serving our neighbors where they are.
we make a difference

Click for video

Our mission for the month of March 

New Here?

FCC is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
& Beliefs
Dear Visitor,
On behalf of the First Congregational Church, we want to say “Welcome! And we are glad you are here.”
Thank you for taking the time to visit with us and worship with us. FCC is more than just a place or a people, it’s so much more!
It’s a life-giving tapestry of relationships, ministries, dreams, hope, help, faith, and in the sharing of the kind of love that God has given to us, through the birth of His Son Jesus.
We are a family that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord and because God first loved us, we love others.
Oh, we are not perfect, but that is why we get together on Sundays: to worship a God who loves us just as we are, right where we are at. Because of God’s life transforming grace in Jesus Christ, we want to praise God, love others as we have been loved, and help others.
We are all in a different place in our faith journey and we respect that, so no one here will tell you what you should do or believe.
YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD, and you are welcome here!
It’s a family that understands that the living Christ can meet us exactly where we are and change the way our whole world looks, for the better.
May God’s grace pour through your life, creating a strength and confidence the likes of which you’ve never known!
Pastor Gary



Our Church Celebrating 140 years 1884-2024

Who we are: We are the Lord’s free people. We unite to worship God, acknowledging His Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We’re members of His church universal in the tradition of our Pilgrim parents gathering in a Congregational way. We are all called by the Great Commission of Christ, to go into the world each according to the unique gifts given to us by God. We share in fellowship of the Church as a family, each in our individual understanding as we seek God’s will for our lives. We trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we gather in the name of our Lord to share in this tradition of

Faith, Freedom and Fellowship.

Church Covenant Church History Mission Statement: We are a church open to all. To promote the worship of our Lord by preaching and studying the Scriptures, sharing in the work of the Great Commission (Matthew 28), gathering in faith and freedom as children of God, guided by the Holy Spirit, in the holistic healing ministry of Jesus. using the unique and diverse gifts granted unto each of us.
 LISTEN TO SERVICES on our Facebook page
Stay Tuned with Updates
C O N T A C T   F O R M

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Contact Info


P.O. Box 326, 8066 W. State St.
Central Lake, MI 49622
On the corner of Chestnut and State streets
Phone: 231-544-6878
For phone app giving click on the link below and follow the instructions